I guess you could say this is a classic “before” photo. The engine as it came out of the car. Before I tampered with it. We’ve decided to ship the engine to my house in California. It is small enough that I can get the rebuild going in my garage, without needing to park the […]
In a twist of fiction became truth. You might recall my rejected Kickstarter proposing to reunite Guns N’ Roses with a clone of Axl created from spittle found on his whistle. As you know, Guns did reunite. And like all misfits, I felt obligated to return to the scene of the crime, aka St. Louis where
I get seriously pissed off when someone takes credit for another person’s efforts. Thanks to Steven Tyler’s recent comments, I feel the need to speak up. Long story short, I’m responsible for inspiring Guns N’ Roses to reunite. It would be fair of you to ask, how could a nobody in the world of music make such an outlandish
A word of caution. Like any collectibles community there are reputable trustworthy dealers and particiants, as well as self-serving dishonest ones. Do some research. Get referrals. Feel good about who you’re dealing with. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying Star Wars or Bambi, a lot of the basics for movie posters will be the same.
There are lots of different forms of auto racing. You would think that if someone liked cars, they’d enjoy seeing anything with four wheels haul ass around a race track. In reality, people are very particular about the kind of racing they watch and frankly quite judgemental of others depending on the type of racing
A friend once asked me about vermouth and making martinis. A basic request turned into a rather long rant, and you’ll find most of that here. I really like a well-made martini. Notice I emphasized the words “well-made”. There’s a lot of conflicting information surrounding what is really a pretty simple drink. Here’s my very