Check Out My Rear

More research on how original some of our existing parts are.

This time a rear valance that’s a bit rough looking. Luckily though, it seems to be correct for a 914-6? Referenced some photos in theĀ Restorer’s Guide to Authenticity, but the angles make it a little hard to tell. Checking with the friendly folks on it appears we have what we need and it is worth fixing.

As with a lot of parts, the 914-6 is just a little different. Apparently four-cylinder car had a smaller hole which is several inches inboard of the 914-6 opening. Meaning the tailpipe wouldn’t fit if using an incorrect valance.

On the downer it appears the 1970 914 cars a something unique about them too. The bumper opening for the license plate is straight for that year only. Starting in 1971, the edges are curved at the bottom as seen is this photo.

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