Successfully cracked the case halves today. It required an expertly engineered, hand crafted tool.
I sacrificed a cheap 14mm box end wrench. Used my bench grinder on the outside to make it thinner walled. My first custom made Porsche tool

Initially was worried by the date codes on the case halves. The first was “12/60”. Oh no. My car was delivered in May 1960. Turns out the first number is the week, not month. So “12/60″ and 13/60” turn out to be March and April. Whew.
The crank was a surprise. I am pretty sure that Super 90 have counter balanced lobes.

I’m also perplexed by how to get the connecting rods off. I’ve only seen ones that have a couple nuts holding them on. No nuts here! Are those bearings visible though the slots?!