Pistons and Rings

Rings are meant to be installed ascending order from the top. 1 is closest to the crown of the piston, then 2, then 3, with oil control ring at bottom (i.e. skirt).

It was handy that the set of rings that came on the AA pistons were marked with a number, and also “top”. With the exception of the oil control rings which apparently don’t have a top or bottom, as they were not marked like the others. The control rings have a coil which appeared to go in the piston groove, then the slotted ring over it.

My machinist told me he adjusted the gaps on the rings when he sold me the pistons. I measured them all with feeler gauges to be sure. What I got was:

  1. .30 mm (.012”) to .35 mm (.014”)
  2. .33 (.013”) to .40 mm (.016”)
  3. .33 (.013”) to .40 mm (.016”)
  4. .30 (.012”) to .4 mm (.016”)

The advice from a rep at the piston manufacturer: The ring gaps should be around .015” for the top and .013 for the 2nd and 3rd I normally clock them 1:30 4:30 7:30 & 10:30 making sure the oil ring is up.

In terms of clocking the rings, I had trouble remembering their orientation as I moved around the engine. I find that I keep making myself little drawings to refer to. The ring gap orientation as viewed looking down on crown of the piston. Of course depending on which piston you’re working on, the Intake valve could be on your right or left. I try to remember it as Intake is towards the Inside (or middle) of the engine.

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