I suspect this will be the final installment in the trials and tribulations for this head and associated cc’ing, clearance checking, deck height measuring, and compression calculating. Not only am I exhausted from doing this four times, I think we’re at the limit of what can be accomplished with this head.
Our deck height is still more than we’d like to see, with 1.54 at the upper range of desired. We did compression ratio in line with expectations.
I could take another round with .5mm of gaskets, but our handy spreadsheet indicates that would push us up over 9.51 compression. Not OK.
I feel like I could fiddle with this ad infinitum and never get it perfect and thus avoid ever trying to start it. Time to move forward…
BTW – The handy spreadsheets that simplify calculating compression ratio are found at the ever helpful Porsche 356 Registry.