Bosch Starter for Porsche 914-6

Starter Progress

While it’s clear that a wide variety of model numbers and even remanufactured starters would have worked, I seemed to be cursed with the desire to keep things as original as possible. After quite a few enquiries, I found a starter with the correct 0001212208 model number for our 914-6. Thanks to 914Werke out of Seattle, WA.

I knew it was used, so I didn’t have high hopes for it aesthetically. Or even know if it worked. As you can tell by the photo, this poor starter did not have an easy life. Lots of grease, missing paint where there wasn’t grease.

Since I was up at 3:30AM and needed something to focus on, I decided this was a good time to clean the starter and give it a good once over. I basically just took it out to the parts washer, but did not submerge it. Scrubbed it with the Oil Eater solution (1 part Oil Eater to 3 parts water) then rinsed it in the sink. The shaft turned without too much effort. The starter gear (aka pinion gear) didn’t look too bad. The contact cleaned up nicely with a ScotchBrite pad. No studs appeared broke. The worst part was the solenoid was missing a bolt. That seems odd.

I had read that some FLAP (Friendly Local Auto Parts Store) will test your starter for free. So I decided to drop by O’Reilly Auto Parts on my way to work. Just for giggles to see if it functioned at all. It was early and no one was in the store, so they did it while I waited. Took all of 5 minutes. It is basically a pass fail test. Does the pinion gear rod extend when it gets electricity? Does the motor spin? To my shock and delight, it passed! He did say that it didn’t sound very strong, but at least we have something to work with. Maybe the inside just needs a good cleaning too (i.e. brushes).

I have had trouble finding what seem like credible tutorials for rebuilding a starter on your own. There are some videos and blog posts, but I don’t get a lot of confidence that these people really know what they’re doing or that the repair will have longevity. Time for more research…

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